The “First Realty Group” Corporation was founded in 2002 to manage and outsource business processes of the real estate agencies “Blagovist” and “Park Lane” and also web portals “100realty” and “Commercial real estate”.
The main goal of the managing Corporation is to provide outsourcing of the business processes (which are not main business-forming for the agencies) to the real estate companies. The Corporation is outsourcing the following functions: finances and accounting, legal support, IT, recruitment, promotion, security, communications, transport, economical and administrative functions. It allows real estate agencies to focus on the core-business and from the other side, it lets the Corporation provide quality services to the real estate agencies in order to create European real estate market.
Time is the priority for the successful business. Our services are based on the principles of efficiency, complexity and quality. We choose the best goods and services providers, hold tenders among vendor agents to ensure the quality partnership with core departments of the Corporation.
First and foremost it relates to the IT sphere tenders, promotional products production, corporate attributes and partnership in outdoor, branding and internet advertising.
We are always open for the cooperation:
The “First Realty Group” Corporation offers the following jobs:
Sales/rental agent for the residential properties*
Job requirements:
- responsibility, communication, vitality;
- higher or incomplete higher education (combining with studying in University is OK);
- willingness to learn and work in full-time mode;
- work experience with customers, negotiating skills, foreign languages knowledge would be a privelege.
Contact details:
HR department
Phone: +380 44 499-40-50
Fax: +380 44 499-40-65
Up-to-date informing and consulting work on the real estate market of Kiev and suburb. Selecting and presenting the property item according to the client's request, consulting on offers’ features and peculiarities of the capital’s districts, information support of the deals.
*Cooperation with real estate agency according to the Subscription Agreement.
The “First Realty Group” Corporation is opened for the cooperation with mass media.
You can contact the PR-manager of the “First Realty Group” corporation.
Let’s cooperate!
If you have any questions, comments or partnership offers for the “First Realty Group” corporation, contact us:
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